SDV Assessments

Grade 7 - 12

Personal Information (Guidance Office Form)

This student information and assessment form is needed and required by your mental health professionals as an initial screening to set your child to succeed this school year.

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This test is designed to measure your MBTI Personality Type.

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Social, Academic, & Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS)


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Guardians and/or Parents - Rated Mental Health Symptoms Measure for Children 6 to 17 Years Old

This standardized survey questionnaire aims to facilitate a more convenient experience to determine your mental health condition and identify the need to undergo a psychological evaluation.  As a preliminary screening tool, it will provide an initial indicator of areas that are most troublesome, including symptoms suggestive of suicidal or harmful behaviours, which would warrant immediate attention by a trained clinician for further assessment and recommendation.   

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Self-Rated Mental Health Symptoms Measure for Children 11 to 17 Years Old

This standardized survey questionnaire aims to facilitate a more convenient experience to determine your mental health condition and identify the need to undergo a psychological evaluation.  As a preliminary screening tool, it will provide an initial indicator of areas that are most troublesome, including symptoms suggestive of suicidal or harmful behaviours, which would warrant immediate attention by a trained clinician for further assessment and recommendation.   

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The Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS)

This standardized survey questionnaire aims to facilitate a more convenient experience for you to determine your well-being condition and identify the most helpful support for you.  As a primary screening tool, it will this measures your subjective experience of happiness (affect), life satisfaction, positive psychological functioning, good relationships with others, and self realisation.  This tool will also screen risks for suicidal or harmful behaviors, which would warrant immediate attention by a trained clinician for further assessment and recommendation.

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Multiple Intelligence Test

This checklist will help you determine which intelligences are most vital for you. This is a way to measure a person's strength in different proposed areas of intelligence, including Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist.

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